Copernicus for Urban Resilience in Europe

Airbus Defence and Space


Stakeholders Interfacing and Conceptual Design

This document presents CURE stakeholder needs and requirements to shape the development of CURE cross-cutting applications. This deliverable is informed by state-of-the-art specifications of user requirements in urban resilience and spatial planning, supported by general requirements from a wider stakeholder group, all providing prime focus on requirements gathering from the CURE front-runner pilot cities. The aims here are to: a) identify various user needs and requirements to develop an understanding of different user expectations of Copernicus based data, and b) to identify commonalities that can be useful for the development of generic products applied to other European cities.

This document provides a comprehensive review of existing Copernicus services, with main focus on CAMS (Copernicus Atmosphere Monitoring Service), CLMS (Copernicus Land Monitoring Service), C3S (Copernicus Climate Change Service) and EMS (Emergency Management Service). In particular, key information is collected for each service product in terms of scope/variables, spatial and temporal extent, spatial and temporal resolution and update frequency, along with a link to the source webpage. Given the vast number of products, to ease the browsing, the collection is organized in four different spreadsheets (*.xlsx), to each of the abovementioned services.

This document provides a review of current methodologies, which can be of use in the implementation of the proof-of-concept / prototype (as well as for benchmarking activities) for each intended CURE application. Here, major focus is given to previous FP7 and H2020 projects, especially those addressing urban resilience topics.

Copernicus Core Services Interface and Relevant Data Portfolio

This document presents a consolidated summary of CURE cross-cutting applications data needs and describes the CURE Interface concept to be implemented as part of the CURE services automation. It is based on detailed analysis of stakeholder needs and requirements, further reflecting these findings and providing detailed guidance both on: a) content side, providing detailed specification of each relevant data source for each particular CURE application implementation for particular front-runner pilot cities; and b) technical side, outlining concept of CURE Interface providing support by means of automation of insertion of data resources needed by each CURE application.

This document presents a technical description of the CURE Copernicus Core Services Interface (CCSI) and its implementation. The aim of this development activity is to provide a unified interface to streamline search and locate Copernicus services products and other resources as requested by CURE cross-cutting applications. This will help to automate the process of data input into CURE applications and the CURE System, which will significantly enhance their replication potential for the future. The CCSI is stored in this GitHub repository:, and it will constantly be updated in order to allow the efficient development of the CURE System.

This document presents a technical description of the CURE Copernicus Core Services Interface (CCSI) and its implementation. The aim of this development activity is to provide a unified interface to streamline search and locate Copernicus Services products and other resources as requested by CURE cross-cutting applications. This will help automate the data input process into CURE applications and the CURE System, which will significantly enhance their replication potential for the future.

Cross-cutting Applications Development

This document aims to describe in more detail the CURE cross-cutting applications and to summarize the preparatory activities for the individual applications development, following the first description in Methodology Review and Selection Deliverable (D1.3). The purpose of each CURE application, the data and methodology used, as well as the output features and characteristics are presented. Preliminary results of some applications for the front-runner cities are demonstrated, where possible, and feedback is provided on the stakeholder needs, as identified in Summary of User Requirements Deliverable (D1.1).

This document aims to describe the final updated methodology of the CURE Cross-Cutting Applications (after their first description in Deliverable D3.1) and to describe and explain in more detail the sample results for the front-runner and follower cities that are submitted in Deliverable D3.3.

This document constitutes a digital collection of all sample products from the developed cross-cutting applications. The complete Urban Cross-cutting Applications Sample Dataset can be found in The purpose of this document is to describe the database of sample products from the cross-cutting applications developed in CURE and to define the data specifications.

This document is the deliverable D3.4 of the CURE (Copernicus for Urban Resilience in Europe) Project. The goal of this deliverable is to fully describe the development process of the 11 CURE Cross-Cutting Applications, including the list of Copernicus and non-Copernicus data used as input, the algorithms and methods adapted for the needs of CURE, example of resulting products for the CURE front-runner and follower cities and the methods evaluation and the dockerization process.

CURE System Development

This document aims to transform the user requirements as well as requirements derived from App developers into system requirements for the CURE System. It is also serving as an input for the Deliverable D4.2.

This document describes the architectural design of the CURE Prototype in detail based on the usage of DIAS as a Service. That comprises the set-up of hardware components like processing units and storage as well as the software design including the interaction between those components. The System Design also includes the evaluation of the most suiting DIAS based on the given requirements from the Deliverable D4.1.

Deliverable 4.3 is an essential delivery of Task 4.4 Integration of Services in WP4 Cure System Development. CURE System will describe the implementation of architectural design as described in D4.2 in detail based on the usage of DIAS as a Service. That comprises the set-up of all System Components as well as the software design including the interaction between those components.

Deliverable 4.4 is an essential delivery of Task 4.4 Integration of Services in WP4 Cure System Development. CURE Application Solution Brochure serves as an introduction on how to implement a new application into the CURE system. It consists of two main parts, the creation and the incorporation of applications into the GeoVille MicroService (GEMS) architecture.

This document accompanies the Deliverable D4.5 – the CURE Portal – a final delivery of activities in Task 4.5. It summarizes main elements of concept and provides overview of a final implementation of the web-based portal, demonstrating the capacity and application potential of the CURE application solutions. The CURE portal is accessible at This document also outlines the role of the CURE Portal in ongoing project dissemination and promotion activities and potential for further evolution to full-fledged service.

Demonstration and Evaluation

This document presents the CURE demonstration and evaluation methodology. The deliverable based on Task 5.1. provides planning for the demonstration workshops as well as establishing a primary set of criteria based on the user requirements from the Deliverable D1.1, as well as criteria related to usability and effectiveness characteristics of ISO 25010. These criteria are derived by adapting the Criteria, Indicators and Metrics (CIM) methodology. This document provides the basis to carry out Task 5.2 and Task 5.3.

This document presents the users' feedback from the 1st CURE Demonstration Workshop held on Friday 15th October 2021. This Workshop provided the basis for the demonstration of the cross-cutting urban planning apps developed in CURE following initial development of products and apps. The aim was to get user feedback and assess operational feasibility, usability and effectiveness (see Deliverable D5.1) of CURE urban resilience apps for city partner user communities, and at the same time the interface and feasibilities regarding the Copernicus Core Services.

The Copernicus for Urban Resilience in Europe (CURE) 2nd Demonstration Workshops (2nd Demos) were held on Friday 14th and Monday 17th October 2022 in Brussels, focusing on participants from different target groups. These workshops were a follow up to the 1st CURE Demonstration Workshop, which was held online in October 2021. These October 2022 workshops (2nd Demos) aimed to address a main research question: ‘What is the added value of the CURE cross-cutting applications for urban planning?’

Benchmarking, Scenarios & Economic Feasibility

This document focuses on the aspects of the services that are relevant to a potential uptake of the CURE System in the Copernicus architecture. In the context of this Deliverable, a) the structure of Copernicus is analysed, aiming at elements defining a typical Copernicus service; b) the current status of the CURE applications is assessed in light of the elements required for uptake as a Copernicus service; and c) a pathway is presented towards a mature CURE service portfolio that would fit perfectly in the Copernicus program through 3 alternative scenarios.

The aim of this deliverable is to access the CURE services against its real impact for the stakeholders considered. The work builds upon the data collection and results of Task 6.1 the Scenario Development (D6.1) complemented by further data collection and literature research.

Management, Dissemination, Exploitation

This document is describing the CURE web site, including information for the structure of the web site and its contents.

This document contains information required for the management of all data and products to be collected and generated during the project. The document outlines, how data will be handled during the CURE implementation phase and after it; describing the kind of data to be collected, processed or generated, the standards to be followed and their compliance with FAIR principles (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable and Re-usable). A sound data management is pivotal for fully realising CURE, as well as for allowing the wider research and user communities to access and further assess the project achievements.

This document is the 1st update of the Data Management Plan (DMP) of the CURE project. It contains information required for the management of all data and products to be collected and generated during the project. The document outlines how data are handled during the project implementation phase and after it, describing the kind of data to be collected, processed, or generated, as well as the standards to be followed and their compliance with the FAIR guiding principles (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable and Reusable).

This document is the 2nd update of the Data Management Plan (DMP) of the CURE project (Copernicus for Urban Resilience in Europe). It contains information required for the management of all data and products to be collected and generated during the project. The document outlines how data are handled during the project implementation phase and after it, describing the kind of data to be collected, processed, or generated, as well as the standards to be followed and their compliance with the FAIR guiding principles (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable and Reusable).

This document provides an overview of the published material of the CURE project (Copernicus for Urban Resilience in Europe). This material is result of core project (research), communication or dissemination activities, has served as tool for efficient communication, dissemination and exploitation of the CURE project, its activities and its outputs, as well as has been deployed with various communication and dissemination channels (CURE website, portal, social media, workshops, meetings). Thus, it is closely related to the CURE Dissemination and Exploitation Plan (Deliverable D7.2) and its Update (Deliverable D7.9). The CURE published material includes different types of material, i.e. documents, datasets, etc. and can be divided into the following two main categories of data and products (as they are also presented in the CURE Data Management Plan and its Updates – Deliverables D7.4, D7.5 and D7.6): a) CURE applications data and products, and b) Communication, dissemination and reporting products.